About a year ago, my sister and I began to badger my parents for a dog. Immediately, we had our differing opinions. It was important for my sister and I to adopt a dog from an animal shelter. However, my parents preferred to purchase a dog from a breeder. Despite our battling opinions, we agreed on one thing, we were going to get a female dog because we had heard they are less temperamental. And with this, we began our search. We began with different breeders. It did not take many conversations to decide that purchasing a dog had a cost a bit too steep for our pockets.
Then we hit some animal shelters. One of the first ones we visited, The North Shore Animal League, is where we found our dog. She was one of the first dogs I saw, and I knew she was the apple of my eye. She was so calm! I could not believe my eyes, it was a dream come true! Not so fast! We came to find out in the coming weeks that she was actually a very hyper dog. Now, our biggest problem is getting her to stop jumping on people when they enter our home, which is a rather awkward problem. We have tried to train her, but to no avail. Therefore, we are debating the idea of sending her to doggy obedient school. All in all, she is a 1 year old little beauty named Lola, and I love her to pieces, despite all her faults!
1. badger- to annoy or bother
2. temperamental- moody, irritable, displaying sudden erratic behavior
3. steep (referring to cost)- costly/expensive
4. The North Shore Animal League- an animal shelter on the north shore of Long Island, New York. This is a facility that allows you to adopt animals.
5. "apple of my eye"- someone or something cherished above all other.
6. "a dream come true"- something that you had only once imagined or dreamt that came true in reality.
7. awkward- uncomfortable/ unpleasant
8. obedient school- a schooling or training specifically for dogs
Cloze Exercise
1. I love my daughter. She is the ___________.
2. Daniel has been very mean and __________ lately.
3. I cannot buy this bag! This price is too _________ for my wallet.
4. "I thoroughly enjoy to __________ my little brother," said Amy.
5. My dog is uncontrollable and must be trained! He needs to go to __________.
6. It was a very ________ situation when I cursed in front of my grandmother.
7. I adopted my pet from _______________ in Port Washington, New York.
8. Getting engaged was amazing and a ____________.
Grammatical Structure- Adjectives
Adjectives are words that are used to describe a noun. In other words, they provide information about a noun. For example, in my text, I have the noun dog. The adjective in that sentence was female, which describes the dog. Or, I used the noun problem. The adjective in the sentence is awkward, which describes the discomfort of the problem. In English, the adjective generally comes before the noun.
Practice with Adjectives
Instructions: For each given noun, provide an adjective that describes that noun. Then, formulate a sentence with your adjective and noun.
Example: Book
I own a heavy text book.
1. flower
2. Nancy
3. store
4. towel
Link: Here is a link to the North Shore Animal League. This is a site that can help you consider adoption or even health options for a pet you already own. I hope you enjoyed this weeks blog everyone!