I love to sleep. It is one of my favorite activities. From the moment I arise in the morning, I ponder the net moment I will be able to crawl back into bed. I love the comfort of being in bed, and the warmth under the covers. Under the covers, I have no responsibilities. I can be as lazy as I want to be. The best type of sleep is weekend sleep. There is nothing better than waking up naturally. During the week, I am tied down to waking up to an obnoxious alarm each morning. BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! But on the weekends, I pleasantly wake up naturally. Sometimes, I wake up well into the hours of the afternoon.
How you make your bed is very important to the comfort of your sleep. For example, I currently have care bear sheets from my childhood on my bed. I also have 3 fluffy pillows and a super soft down comforter. Trying to stay awake and do school work in my bed is next to impossible. I always pass out within minutes of sitting in my bed. I guess being comfortable can also be a downfall! I would love to own a tempur pedic mattress. These mattresses conform to the shape of your body. However, having an even more comfortable bed than my bed right now may mean that I will never leave my bedroom!
1. arise- to get out of bed
2. ponder- to spend time thinking carefully about something
3. 'tied down'- forced to/have to do something
4. obnoxious- very unpleasant, offensive, rude
5. down comforter- a type of comforter filled with goose feathers
6. 'pass out'- a term used to describe falling asleep very quickly
7. tempur pedic- a type of mattress made up of material that conforms to the shape of your body
Cloze Exercise
1. I wake up every week morning to an _______________ alarm.
2. I got home from a long day of work only to _______________ as soon as I laid in bed.
3. I have a very soft ________________ made with goose feathers.
4. I wish I had a __________________ mattress!
5. After my alarm goes off in the morning, I ______________ from bed.
6. I always ______________ about situations that have made me uncomfortable.
7. I am _______________ to walking my dog every day, now that I own a puppy.
Grammar Point-Prepositions
Prepositions link nouns, pronouns, and phrases to other words in a sentence. Some examples of prepositions include; on, beneath, on top of, beside, over, under, of, from, up, down, with, without, in, on, and many more. Some examples of prepositions can be found in my text. For example, "From the moment I wake up..." Or, "Under the covers..." In the following sentences, highlight the preposition you see.
1) I threw the ball I found on the porch.
2) Billy found the remote underneath his covers.
3) Sally shared a recipe she found in a cookbook.
Link:Tempur Pedic
Here is the link for tempur pedic mattresses. Using this site your can explore all types of tempur pedic mattresses. Although they are very expensive, they provide for an amazing nights sleep. I suggest you try one if you get the chance!
I used to work at Brookstone and thereby sell the Tempurpedic products. Unfortunately I was too poor at the time to afford the mattress even with the sweet discount I would've had at the time. I swear by my pillow though!