Yankees Win World Series Again in 2009?

October fever time! This is postseason time of the year in baseball where there are
playoffs there are only four teams left to play before the
World Series. In the World Series, two teams play one another; one from the
American League and one from the
National League. I love this time of the year, especially when my Yankees are have a chance at becoming the World Champions! I was born into a Yankee family. My parents and all of their siblings are
religious Yankee fans. I remember back to the 1996 playoffs season and being so
ecstatic when the Yankees won the World Series. My family was running around my house. We were hugging and screaming.
This time of year
signifies more than just baseball. Playoffs signifies the fall season to come. It signifies the crisp, cold weather, pretty fall
foliation, jumping in the piles of leaves my dad has raked up, scary costumes, and trick or treating. This time of the year will always remind me of childhood. My hope is that one day I will be able to afford tickets to a Yankee's playoff or World Series game! Especially to see those splits that
Teixera does at first base! Oh how I
wish upon a star to have ground level seats one day!
Vocabulary1. playoffs- The series which determines what two teams will verse one another in the World Series.
2.'October fever'- A term used to describe baseball playoff season to describe. As in, a
Yankees fan has October fever.
3. American League- One league division in Major League Baseball (
MLB), made up of 14 teams. This league allows designated hitters.
4. National League- The other league division in Major League Baseball (
MLB), made up of 16 teams. This league does not allow designated hitters.
5. 'religious'- in this case, meaning a devote fan of the Yankees.
6. signifies- to indicate, represent
7. foliation- the leaves change color as they die (fall), when they die they fall off the trees (winter).
8. 'wish upon a star'- a saying that portrays a strong wish or desire, in this case, for
Yankee tickets.
9. The World Series- The championship that concludes the postseason of
MLB, where the winner from the American League and the winner from the National League verse one another for the World Champions title.
Cloze Exercise1. How I ____________ that I win the lottery one day.
2. I love driving upstate during the fall season because of all the pretty colors of the fall ________.
3. Major League Baseball is in the _________ season where there are only four teams left to play before the World Series.
4. It's playoffs time and I have ______________!
5. I follow Baseball very closely, especially the Yankees. I am a __________ fan.
6. There are 16 teams in the ___________ league of
7. October __________ much more than just baseball playoffs.
8. The ___________ league in the
MLB allows for a designated hitter.
9. This Wednesday at 8:00 p.m., you can watch the
Phillies and the Yankees play in the ________.
Grammar Point-The Past Continuous (Progressive) The Past Continuous is formed with
was or
were followed by the main
verb in an
-ing form.
This tense is used to describe something which began before a particular point in the past and is still in progress at that point. Examples of this tense can be found in my text;
"...was running around the house." "...were hugging and screaming." Now, I would like you to write one paragraph made up of 5 sentences in the past continuous. This paragraph should express something of your childhood that you were doing. You may use my text as a guide for your paragraph.
LinkHere is a link to the New York Yankee's website. Here you can find information such as game schedules, player stats, ticket purchasing options, and much more! I hope all you Yankee fans and potential Yankee fans enjoy this site!